
how Squirrels Survive Winter

How do Squirrels Survive Winter

A question on many peoples’ mind is whether squirrels hibernate in winter. Most of these critters do not hibernate and instead spend most of their time in their nests when they would otherwise be active. A few species such as the thirteen-lined ground squirrels hibernate for up to six months.

roof edge squirrel damage

Can Squirrels Chew Through to Get Into an Attic?

The quick answer to whether squirrels in Canada can chew through to get into the attic is; Yes, although the animals prefer existing holes and will get in through these if available. Common examples include gaps under the eves and missing vent screens.

the dangers of squirrels

The Danger of Squirrels

One look at a furry scampering squirrel and you would hardly think these cute creatures could pose any danger to just any animal, let alone the far larger and more powerful human species. Well, although squirrels don’t really have the tendency to attack human beings, the facts that they are capable of causing quite a …

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