
How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

Squirrels are often regarded as delightful, cheerful animals. Their acrobatic maneuvers, feisty and chattering will inspire laughter and smiles. But for garden enthusiasts, there’s nothing delightful about squirrels at least not after they find their beds dug and tomatoes chewed. To most homeowners, these bushy-tailed critters are not a source of anything except frustration and …

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How to Keep Squirrels Out of Bird Feeders

Squirrels in Ontario seem to enjoy bird seed which is a problem if you like to leave treats out for birds in the area. The squires scare away birds, finish the bird food and may venture to destroy your outdoor wooden furniture. Fortunately, this is a problem that you can resolve with relative ease.

How is Squirrel Removal Done

How is Squirrel Removal Done?

Squirrel removal in Ontario can be a tough job even for professionals. These animals are sleek, intelligent and determined. Most experts prefer humane eviction or exclusion to trapping. In fact, few wildlife removal experts will trap wildlife unless it is absolutely necessary. The exact steps for the exclusion may vary slightly depending where in the …

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how Squirrels Survive Winter

How do Squirrels Survive Winter

A question on many peoples’ mind is whether squirrels hibernate in winter. Most of these critters do not hibernate and instead spend most of their time in their nests when they would otherwise be active. A few species such as the thirteen-lined ground squirrels hibernate for up to six months.